November 08, 2007

Presidents Goodbye

The elections have been held and your 2008 Co-Presidents have been elected which means I will be vacating office on the 31st December 2007.

It has been an absolute pleasure serving you all for the past two years. Thank to all our members who have made my job as exciting as possible. Thank you to all polytechnic staff and senior management who showed me a great deal of respect and took what I had to say seriously.

Thank you to the OPSA staff without whom my job would not have been possible at all. The staff do not give themselves enough credit for the work they do. OPSA have a fantastic group of staff and I would like to thank each and every one of them for assisting me in performing my duties and President of the Association.

To everyone who is graduating at the end of this year. Congratulations on your achievements. Remember graduation day is your day. Enjoy it.

To everyone who is continuing study next year. Hang in there when the going gets tough as the rewards at the end are well worth it.

To Ryan and Meegan, good luck for next year. Keep up the good fight.

Thank you,

Richard Mitchell
2006 Co-President & 2007 President


At Tuesday, November 13, 2007 5:01:00 pm , Blogger Leigh Blackall said...

good on you for starting this Blog Richard, and putting out some great releases. I hope the new guys will keep it going.


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