May 15, 2007

Big Dick's Column

Welcome to term 2. I trust you are all well and truly rested and ready for the busy end of semester one. There are a couple of things I would like to bring to your attention:

International Workers’ Day: Also known as May Day, this takes place on the first of May and is a day where we celebrate all the workers around the world. It’s a day where we can celebrate all the work done by unions and other worker organizations around the world. So, to celebrate, drop everything you are doing, take off all your clothes and run naked down George Street. Actually, on second thought — please don’t.

Just remember, ask not only what you can do for your union, but what your union will do for you. University Sport New Zealand (USNZ): USNZ are currently discussing whether or not to expand their membership criteria to include polytechnic members. Membership would allow Otago Polytechnic students to take advantage of the services offered by USNZ and also would allow you to attend the various sports events run by them. I am currently seeking advice and direction on what you think of this idea. E-mail your comments to

OPSA Events: I am currently in the process of planning events for the remainder of semester one and for the beginning of semester two. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please email these to

OP Print-Charging: I know this is frustrating many of you and, rest assured, it’s fucking me off also. I have been told three or four different things regarding the (poorly) introduced polytechnic print-charging system. I am currently discussing this with Polytechnic management and will get back to you all ASAP.

Well, by now you’re probably sick of reading what I have to say. Go well in your studies and remember OPSA are here for YOU.

Te manu e kai ana i te miro, nona te ngahere

Te manu e kai ana i te matauranga, nona te Ao

The bird who feasts from the miro owns the forest

The bird who feasts from knowledge owns the World

Thank you,

Richard Mitchell


Otago Polytechnic Students’ Association


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