August 27, 2005

The Rachel Report

Prime-Ministers & Prime Cuts

The steak knives are out and the menu being consulted. What will be gone by lunch-time? Is that sugar-free – or will an artificial sweetener keep you interested?

Let’s keep in mind here that whichever promise/bribe/cut/shuffle is offered by any political party it is merely a side-salad to the rotting meat and potatoes that is increasing $7 billion student debt crisis.

Up until casting your vote on September 17th all the parties will be talking up their policies (see OPSA’s election guide at .

The major parties will be hoping we either remember the good things they have done… Labour for example – while not coming to the party with a living allowance for all students, or LOWERING fees, they have: no interest while studying, 50% of loan repayments on the principle, fee freeze then limited fee rises and increased eligibility to allowances.

And they will definitely be hoping we forget the bad things - National… hmmm… when they were in power in the 90’s … Fees rose on average 12%, they abolished the universal allowance that every full time student was entitled to, and hey… they introduced the student debt loan scheme. The proposed tax cuts are very interesting… isn’t it funny how those with a Brash-like income stand to gain the most?

As gYRo goes to print Otago Polytechnic will be preparing to set the fees for 2006. I have put forward a paper asking for cost analysis of fees including a zero fee rise, and fee grandparenting options for degree courses. Of course, this would all be totally redundant if one of those major parties took on the policies of the minor parties (Alliance, Greens, Maori Party, and the Progressives) who are proposing a return to free education!!!