Media Release; OP Fees Raised by Maximum
Otago Polytechnic Council today increased fees by the maximum allowed under the fee maxima policy. Most students studying at Otago Polytechnic in 2008 will now see their fees increase by up to 5% on the 2007 levels.
This is the fourth 5% fee raise passed the Otago Polytechnic Council in as many years.
“Students will have now seen a virtual fee increase of more than 16% since 2004. This completely out strips inflation” states Richard Mitchell, OPSA President.
“It is disappointing to see that the Council has backed away from their own commitment and responsibilities to barrier-free education” states Mr Mitchell.
The Otago Polytechnic Council also had the option of a zero percent fee raise.
“This would have sent a very obvious and bold statement to the government stating that the Council are not prepared to pass the costs of under-funding on to indebted students.” said Mr Mitchell
Government under-funding contributes largely to the problem.
“While it would be easy to blame the Council for free increases, the root of the problem is under-funding by successive governments is” says Mr Mitchell
Contact for further comment:
Richard Mitchell
Otago Polytechnic Students’ Association
Phone/Fax: 03 477 6974
Mobile: 027 320 2956